
“If one advance could transform America's prospects, it would be ready access, at scale, to a range of affordable, renewable, low-carbon energy technologies. Only one path will lead to such transformative technologies: research.”                                                                                       - Susan Hockfield

June 05, 2012
Nuclear fusion is a seemingly ideal energy source: carbon-free, fuel derived largely from seawater, no risk of runaway reactors and minimal waste issues. With the world’s energy supply chain facing...
June 01, 2012
Earth Day has been reinvented at MIT. The Institute has a long history of Earth Day fairs, film series, colloquia, and other activities designed to celebrate the day and spread information about...
May 29, 2012
MIT’s Department of Political Science and the Stanton Foundation are proud to announce the establishment of the Frank Stanton Chair in Nuclear Security Policy Studies. The endowed chair was...
May 24, 2012
As climate negotiators wrap-up talks in Bonn, Germany, this week, a major point of contention is who needs to do what to slow global warming. Nations such as China and the United...
May 23, 2012
Department of Nuclear Science and Enringgeering Professor Mujid Kazimi has been awarded the 2011 Kuwait Prize in Applied Sciences...
May 23, 2012
A new study by civil engineers at MIT shows that using stiffer pavements on the nation’s roads could reduce vehicle fuel consumption by as much as 3 percent — a savings that could add up to 273...
May 22, 2012
Natural gas prices neared the lowest they've been in about a decade this past winter, as utilities scrambled to take advantage of the fuel's low price tag and producers began to turn...
May 21, 2012
Two of 47 newly funded Department of Energy (DOE) research projects are led by professors in the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering (NSE) at MIT. Under its Nuclear Energy University...
May 18, 2012
First-year graduate students Brad Black, William Dawson and Samuel Shaner in the Department of Nuclear Science (NSE) and Engineering at MIT are among 31 graduate students across the country who have...
May 17, 2012
This year’s MIT $100K Business Plan Contest drew a record 215 teams to compete for the coveted grand prize: $100,000 to start a business venture or market a new product. On Tuesday evening, eight...
May 15, 2012
A new study from MIT scientists suggests that the guidelines governments use to determine when to evacuate people following a nuclear accident may be too conservative.

The study, led by...
May 14, 2012
Department of Mechanical Engineering Assistant Professor Rohit Karnik and Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering Assistant Professor Felix Parra have been awarded...
April 26, 2012
At the Third Clean Energy Ministerial in London today, the U.S. Department of Energy announced a three-part plan to help implement the...
April 23, 2012
As gasoline prices continue to remain high, with the nationwide average jumping 19 cents a gallon in March, Americans and automakers alike are investing in alternatives. But what’s the most effective...
April 23, 2012
Donald Sadoway
Donald Sadoway
Photo: M. Scott Brauer

You have to give...
April 13, 2012
Materials science and engineering professor Harry Tuller and nuclear science and engineering Professor Bilge Yildiz are among the 2012 recipients of the International Union of Materials Research...
April 12, 2012
During the massive oil spill from the ruptured Deepwater Horizon well in 2010, it seemed at first like there might be a quick fix: a containment dome lowered onto the broken pipe to capture the flow...
April 11, 2012
Copper — the stuff of pennies and tea kettles — is also one of the few metals that can turn carbon dioxide into hydrocarbon fuels with relatively little energy. When fashioned into an electrode and...
April 10, 2012
Since the earliest days of science, the interplay of theory and experimentation has been the primary method of creating new knowledge. Today, the affordability of massive computing power has added a...
April 09, 2012
As the world moves toward greater use of low-carbon and zero-carbon energy sources, a possible bottleneck looms, according to a new MIT study: the supply of certain metals needed for key clean-energy...
March 30, 2012
Many workplaces feature major changes in occupancy over the course of a week. In academic buildings, hundreds of students may pour in for a lecture, then leave an hour or two later, while faculty,...
March 27, 2012
Intensive research around the world has focused on improving the performance of solar photovoltaic cells and bringing down their cost. But very little attention has been paid to the best ways of...
March 26, 2012
Just weeks after an MIT report showed fast-growing nations such as China and India would...
March 20, 2012
In keeping with the theme of this year’s student-run MIT Energy Conference — “Insight and Innovation in Uncertain Times” — the two-day program highlighted several major innovations, from both MIT and...
March 20, 2012
A new study by researchers at MIT shows that there is enough capacity in deep saline aquifers in the United States to store at least a century’s worth of carbon dioxide emissions from the nation’s...
