Global Connections

“Today, we need to prepare our students for their inevitably global careers. In the great MIT tradition of learning by doing, we believe that means making sure that they gain direct experience of the world beyond.”                                                                                                 - Susan Hockfield

December 10, 2018

Now convening in Katowice, Poland, amid dire warnings from the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 degrees Celsius and the...

December 10, 2018

Now convening in Katowice, Poland, amid dire warnings from the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 degrees Celsius and the...

December 06, 2018

Zhengdong New District is a planned mixed-use new city in the northeast quadrant of Zhengzhou Municipality, the capital of China’s Henan Province. Construction started in 2001 for what is one of...

December 06, 2018

Zhengdong New District is a planned mixed-use new city in the northeast quadrant of Zhengzhou Municipality, the capital of China’s Henan Province. Construction started in 2001 for what is one of...

December 06, 2018

Today, MIT Associate Provost for International Activities Richard Lester emailed the MIT community a ...

December 06, 2018

Today, MIT Associate Provost for International Activities Richard Lester emailed the MIT community a ...

November 23, 2018

Earlier this month, MIT President L. Rafael Reif traveled to China with MIT faculty, senior leadership, and the Executive Committee of the MIT Corporation — the Institute’s board of trustees — in...

November 23, 2018

Earlier this month, MIT President L. Rafael Reif traveled to China with MIT faculty, senior leadership, and the Executive Committee of the MIT Corporation — the Institute’s board of trustees — in...

November 23, 2018

Earlier this month, MIT President L. Rafael Reif traveled to China with MIT faculty, senior leadership, and the Executive Committee of the MIT Corporation — the Institute’s board of trustees — in...

November 21, 2018

An MIT Tata Center funded research team led by MIT Professor Lee Gehrke and collaborator Irene Bosch has developed a paper-based...

November 21, 2018

An MIT Tata Center funded research team led by MIT Professor Lee Gehrke and collaborator Irene Bosch has developed a paper-based...

November 20, 2018

For centuries, until the late 1800s, Japan was famously closed off to the outside world. MIT historian Hiromu Nagahara studies what happened when the country finally opened up.


November 20, 2018

For centuries, until the late 1800s, Japan was famously closed off to the outside world. MIT historian Hiromu Nagahara studies what happened when the country finally opened up.


November 20, 2018

For centuries, until the late 1800s, Japan was famously closed off to the outside world. MIT historian Hiromu Nagahara studies what happened when the country finally opened up.


October 30, 2018

For the 2018 version of the Election Insights series, MIT humanities, arts, and social...

October 30, 2018

For the 2018 version of the Election Insights series, MIT humanities, arts, and social...

October 26, 2018

The MIT Portugal Program (MPP) recently held the inaugural conference for MPP2030,...

October 26, 2018

The MIT Portugal Program (MPP) recently held the inaugural conference for MPP2030,...

October 22, 2018

Before she was a PhD student searching through art history archives around the world, a young Nisa Ari attended museums with her family and tried to discern the histories behind the artwork and...

October 22, 2018

Before she was a PhD student searching through art history archives around the world, a young Nisa Ari attended museums with her family and tried to discern the histories behind the artwork and...

October 22, 2018

The following letter from Associate Provost Richard Lester was sent to the MIT faculty on Oct. 15.

Dear colleagues,

The disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the...

October 22, 2018

The following letter from Associate Provost Richard Lester was sent to the MIT faculty on Oct. 15.

Dear colleagues,

The disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the...

October 15, 2018

Students from diverse cultural, racial, ethnic, national or economic backgrounds; students with disabilities; LGBTQ+ students; first-generation students; and others face unique challenges when...

October 15, 2018

Students from diverse cultural, racial, ethnic, national or economic backgrounds; students with disabilities; LGBTQ+ students; first-generation students; and others face unique challenges when...

October 12, 2018

Representatives from the MIT-Germany Program and the University of Stuttgart (USTUTT) recently came together to formally extend a...
