Global Connections

“Today, we need to prepare our students for their inevitably global careers. In the great MIT tradition of learning by doing, we believe that means making sure that they gain direct experience of the world beyond.”                                                                                                 - Susan Hockfield

June 05, 2012
The Madrid-MIT M+Visión Consortium, an initiative of the regional government of the Comunidad de Madrid, through the madri+d Foundation in...
June 05, 2012
Quito, Ecuador, is not considered a global leader by most measures. But there is one way in which Quito is at the forefront of metropolises worldwide: in planning for climate change. For more than a...
May 31, 2012
Mildred Dresselhaus, Ann Graybiel and Jane Luu
Kavli award winners, from left, Mildred Dresselhaus,...
May 29, 2012
MIT’s Department of Political Science and the Stanton Foundation are proud to announce the establishment of the Frank Stanton Chair in Nuclear Security Policy Studies. The endowed chair was...
May 23, 2012
The Legatum Center at MIT awards seed grants to assist student teams in developing for-profit enterprises in a low-income country. With the funding for this summer's projects, the center will have...
May 23, 2012
Department of Nuclear Science and Enringgeering Professor Mujid Kazimi has been awarded the 2011 Kuwait Prize in Applied Sciences...
May 23, 2012
Since the March 11, 2011, earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan last year, a number of efforts have been undertaken at MIT's School of Architecture + Planning to help with reconstruction...
May 22, 2012
While policymakers debate about whether or not the United States is in a state of relative decline, defined as a steady loss of its edge over rising powers such as China in terms of military might...
May 22, 2012
Students from the School of Architecture + Planning (SA+P) traveled to Israel in January for a 10-day collaborative workshop with Tel Aviv University's Laboratory for Contemporary Urban Design (TAU...
May 21, 2012
It may seem counterintuitive, but one way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere may be to produce pure carbon dioxide in powerplants that burn fossil fuels. In this way, greenhouse...
May 17, 2012
No one can be all things to all people. But President-elect L. Rafael Reif is regarded by many members of the MIT community as “warm,” “humble” and “human,” and as someone who cares deeply about...
May 16, 2012
L. Rafael Reif, a distinguished electrical engineer whose seven-year tenure as MIT’s provost has helped MIT maintain its appetite for bold action as well as its firm financial footing, has been...
May 10, 2012
The Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skolkovo Tech) has invited 13 outstanding research teams to submit full proposals for the next stage of competition for the first three Skolkovo Tech...
May 08, 2012
The Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) marked the start of its first academic year on Monday with an inauguration ceremony. The ceremony was officiated by Tony Tan Keng Yam '64, who...
May 02, 2012
The Lemelson-MIT Program today announced Dr. Ashok Gadgil as the recipient of the 2012 $100,000 Lemelson-MIT...
May 01, 2012
Two current MIT students and three recent graduates have been awarded Fulbright scholarships to study abroad for the 2012-13 academic year.

Launched in 1946 to advance international...
April 27, 2012
What’s it like taking a course with 120,000 other students?

That is one of the questions raised this spring by the debut of MITx, the Institute’s new online educational initiative...
April 26, 2012
One of the most instantly recognizable features of glass is the way it reflects light. But a new way of creating surface textures on glass, developed by researchers at MIT, virtually eliminates...
April 23, 2012
In its first round of requests for Research Center proposals, the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skolkovo Tech) in Russia has received 129 submissions. The submissions represent...
April 18, 2012
In an effort to share what is known, what isn't, and what can and cannot be done about climate change, MIT's John Reilly and Kerry Emanuel joined UMass Amherst researchers last week as part of a "...
April 18, 2012
Class of 1941 Professor of Physics and Planetary Science Sara Seager was named by Tel Aviv University as co-winner of the 2012 Raymond and Beverly Sackler Prize in the Physical Sciences. Seager was...
April 18, 2012
An independent study project using coconuts as a biofuel had Divya Agarwal, MBA ’13, working in Fiji and Vanuatu for five weeks over winter break.

Agarwal, originally from Fargo, N.D., is...
April 17, 2012
The Isabelle de Courtivron Prizes are awarded annually to MIT students for writings on topics related to immigrant, diaspora, bicultural, bilingual and/or multi-racial experiences. Kym Ragusa, a co-...
April 13, 2012
Materials science and engineering professor Harry Tuller and nuclear science and engineering Professor Bilge Yildiz are among the 2012 recipients of the International Union of Materials Research...
April 11, 2012
On Tuesday, April 10, MIT welcomed Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff to the MIT Media Lab. Upon her arrival, MIT President Susan Hockfield and MIT Provost L. Rafael Reif greeted Rousseff. She...
