Letters to MIT Community
Letter to the Community on Vandalism to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Display
On behalf of the Committee on Race & Diversity and the Institute Administration, we write to address the unfortunate and mean-spirited vandalism to the recent Martin Luther King, Jr. display in Lobby 10, where multiple figures from the display were stolen or damaged.
Academic excellence only thrives in an open and inclusive environment. At MIT we accept many ways of voicing ideas and sharing dissenting opinions. However, the privilege of working and studying here carries a concomitant obligation to share our views respectfully. Vandalism is not the expression of ideas, it has no place at MIT, and it is grounds for dismissal or expulsion.
This incident serves as a reminder that we must accelerate the important progress the Institute has made building an increasingly diverse community and creating a culture of inclusion that supports MIT's mission.
Susan Hockfield
Phil Thompson
Chair, Committee on Race and Diversity
Office of the President
Room 3-208
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
P (617)253-0148
F (617)253-3124